Keeping your employee save

Are you up to this challenge?

Employeee Safety with F24

Can your organisation protect your employees during an emergency? As business becomes more global, so does the threats to employee safety. Organisations can have people stationed throughout their home market and across the globe – and you owe a duty of care to every single one of them. From civil unrest in a country where your employee is visiting to a flood that wreaks havoc at your headquarters, employee safety solutions can support you through all phases of a crisis.

Learn how we can support you in protecting your employee safety!

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Protect your workforce with us

  • Be up to date with the situation: When an alarm is triggered or number is called, the incident can be linked to emergency notification features, meaning others can be informed and kept up to date with the situation.
  • Gather workplace safety information: Contact data (names, telephone numbers, etc.) can be easily kept up to date through reminder functions and interface connection.
  • Report incidents: All events are documented in real time and according to auditing requirements – for your own evaluation or for submission to authorities.
  • Centralise your incident management: Your organisation can provide immediate assistance when an employee is in harm’s way. Lone workers can be provided with alert infrastructure such as a panic button, silent alarm or a workplace safety app so they can let a centralised response team know that something is wrong.

Get in touch to discuss how we can help protecting your most important resource: your people!

Together, we can find the right solution for you and your challenges.
Make a non-binding appointment with one of our experts to see how our SaaS solutions can support you.

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