Crisis management in the event of protests, vandalism and arson attacks

Time and again, companies are targeted by activist groups. And protests are not always peaceful. Nor do arson attacks, vandalism or other disruptions to operations only affect large corporations. All companies should therefore have strategies and action plans ready to counter external attacks.

attack glas crash

Protection against fire and vandalism: early warning systems and crisis management for companies

External attacks often have one thing in common: they come unexpectedly. The art of recognizing dangers and setting up an early warning system is therefore a key protective measure.

This includes traditional risk monitoring and cooperation with the police and authorities, but also social media risk monitoring and networked communication, for example. This is because conflicts on the internet are increasingly triggering actions in the physical space. A cross-silo exchange of information is therefore a key prerequisite for identifying points of attack at an early stage.

Fire attacks in the company: Rapid alert

Even with the best prevention, arson attacks cannot always be prevented. In order to contain the extremely destructive power of fire, one thing is particularly important: rapid response by the emergency services.

Sensor-supported alarms also react at night. If they also send a direct automated alarm to the fire department and emergency services, the effects of fire attacks can at least be minimized. The prerequisite is that you know the attackers’ patterns of action and protect potential points of attack in the company in a targeted manner using various measures – from sensors to lone worker protection.

Arson attack fire

Quick and efficient convening of crisis teams in the event of vandalism, activism or other critical scenarios

Effective protest management: preparation and response strategies for companies

Protests, especially mass protests, are usually easier to predict, but are often volatile in their course. In large crowds, a small disturbance is enough to trigger actions that are difficult to control or even mass panic. Automated alarms, digitalized crisis plans and an independent, networked communication infrastructure enable a rapid and coordinated response to limit the damage.

Dealing with protests requires comprehensive preparation for various scenarios, close cooperation with security authorities and, ideally, establishing contact with the activist groups themselves. This is because internal and external communication is a key task in protest management. Prepared statements, extensive distribution lists, a well-networked team and a high degree of automation are essential for professional protest management.

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Vandalism: protective security measures and resilience strategies for companies

There is often only a fine line between protest and vandalism. In order to protect material assets and infrastructure from wilful damage, the “vulnerable points” should first be proactively secured, for example with monitoring systems.

But this is not always possible. Consider publicly accessible infrastructure such as electricity pylons or train tracks. The aim here is to strengthen resilience in order to minimize the impact of vandalism on ongoing operations. Increased vigilance, an early warning system and networked incident management that enables early and targeted intervention are necessary to keep damage to a minimum.

Fully automated alarms via fire alarm systems, motion detectors and other monitoring systems
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Crisis management for dealing with activism, vandalism and arson attacks

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