Evacuation Alarm People Safety

People Safety with Technology

Critical incidents need prompt and targeted response. An alerting software helps companies to notify and communicate in the most effective way.

Ensure People Safety with Smart Technology

Whether it is during a national crisis, or during critical situations in companies or public places – managing a crisis requires pre-defined plans, clear and prompt communication and the possibility of adapting to the situation. An efficient process is even more important when lives are involved – protect and safeguard people during crisis scenarios with F24’s smart solutions. 

Public Warning with technology

Public Warning

With great responsibility comes new challenges. Public organisations need strong partners when it comes to crisis management. Schools and universities, swimming pools, retirement homes, sports fields or cultural institutions – ensuring safety in public facilities demands a lot of attention to detail. Serious weather conditions are becoming increasingly frequent in the wake of climate change. When events cause major damage or threats to the public, authorities must act quickly and effectively. They need to alert emergency services and other special forces where necessary, and at the same time inform the public in a transparent manner about what is happening and take the necessary security measures.

Learn How Public Warning System Saves Lives

Learn More about Public Organisation Safety

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Employee Safety

Provide the best possible protection for your employees and generate an organisation-wide feeling of security. Imagine one of your employees is in an emergency situation. No matter where that employee is in the world, contacting colleagues on duty at the security centre can be done quickly at any time of the day or night via an international emergency number linked to an emergency notification feature. They can then quickly provide almost any kind of support – from medical assistance to communication with local embassies. Professional preparation is crucial to employee security to enable a quick and efficient response.

Read More on How to Ensure Employee Safety

Employee Safety smart technology

“…Being a critical infrastructure, we have a legal obligation to notify the authorities relatively quickly. In this respect the greatest advantage for us is simply the timeline… the big advantage is that a large number of people can be informed quickly and easily.”

Lone worker security with smart solutions

Manage Lone worker Safety

Sometimes, lone workers, or a small group of workers, need to work on their own. Working overnight or in remote, isolated or vulnerable locations can be daunting. From delivery drivers, community health workers and remote engineers to out of hours workers such as cleaners or security staff, companies have a moral and statutory duty of care to their employees. Protecting these vital workers can be difficult as they work outside the normal corporate support structures. By introducing tech-based safety and security solutions, employers can not only give their staff an extra level of reassurance and worker protection but also comply with lone worker regulations and norms. Act quickly with the reliable Personal Emergency Signalling System of F24.

Learn All about Lone Worker Safety

Discreet Alerting with Silent Alarm

Whether at the premises of public authorities, energy suppliers or health services – employees need to be safeguarded against any kind of probable assaults. Protecting them from threats and attacks is the highest priority for employers. With the help of F24, your employees can set off a silent alarm, discreetly in dicey situations. To ensure that the right people are informed quickly and efficiently in critical situations, our cloud- and software-based solutions can be linked to any silent alarm triggering mechanism. You can flexibly integrate it into your existing IT and telecommunications infrastructure, using both wireless and wired emergency buttons.

Learn How Silent Alarms can Help Your Employees

Silent alarm for discretion

Evacuation Alarm

When a fire breaks out, or there’s a natural disaster or amok, you only have a few minutes to evacuate a building. Within this time, the fire must be detected, the persons at risk must be alerted and asked to leave the danger zone.
With an evacuation alarm, organisations can initialise the process manually or automatically. The system uses the infrastructure already available to give employees visual and audible evacuation instructions on their smartphones or play announcements by means of IP loudspeakers and central PA systems.

Evacuation Alarm

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Crisis Response

Prepare and manage your crisis response with our smart solutions, designed specifically for critical situations.

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We Enable You to Protect and Safeguard Your People

We are constantly striving to bring innovation to you, to help you protect lives in times of crisis. Our crisis and emergency solutions help automate processes and minimise risks. Find out more about how our solutions support your crisis strategies – Get in touch for an obligation-free consultation with an expert from F24 to learn how your organisation can benefit from our SaaS solutions for people safety management! 

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