Crisis Management in Health & Pharma
Emergency and Crisis management in health & pharma requires special attention to detail. We, at F24 ensure all your crisis management needs are well supported to help you stay prepared.
Protect Your People and Processes
Nothing is more important than protecting health. And we help protect those who work in health. Emergency and crisis management in health & pharma requires special attention to detail. We, at F24 ensure all your emergency & crisis management needs are well supported to help you stay prepared. Learn all about proactive incident and crisis management for health and pharmaceutical companies.
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Hazard and Disaster Management for Health & Pharma
Whether it’s a major disaster like building evacuations, or hazards like fires, technical faults or IT failures, these incidents can have far-reaching consequences in health and pharmaceutical companies. Companies are responsible for the safety of their employees, the environment, local residents and their customers. In both areas, the maintenance of all processes is an absolute necessity for a properly functioning healthcare system. That’s why the demand for professional crisis and incident management in these areas is extremely high.
F24 is utilised by:
> 140 companies
in the health & pharmaceutical sectors
Prepare, Respond and Recover with Smart Solutions
With F24, we support those responsible throughout all phases of a crisis: from crisis prevention and digital emergency planning, risk management and monitoring as well as alerting of staff, through to crisis handling with digital task management and a return to regular operations. To ensure that sensitive data also has the necessary high level of protection, F24 solutions are of course fully GDPR compliant.
“With F24 we are now up to date with regard to alerting and crisis management. We are proud to have such an innovative solution in use.”
Crisis Manager of Carelink
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Alerting software
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Reap the Benefits on Crisis Management in Health & Pharmaceuticals
At F24, we are always striving for technological innovation to provide our clients the best possible crisis and emergency management solution. We are trusted by thousands of companies worldwide and recognised by major subject matter experts. We contractually guarantee high availability to ensure we have your back when you need it the most. Reach out for an obligations-free consultation!
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