Keep Your Employees Safe
Protecting the workforce is priority for all organisations. Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) is a highly regulated area, so it is important to get it right and ensure a company-wide approach to staff safety and security. A specialised software can help with compliance to workplace health and safety regulations and protect your staff when incidents occur.

How Can Employee Safety Solutions Support You?
Can your organisation protect your employees during an emergency? As business becomes more global, so does the threats to employee safety. Organisations can have people stationed throughout their home market and across the globe – and you owe a duty of care to every single one of them. From civil unrest in a country where your employee is visiting to a flood that wreaks havoc at your headquarters, employee safety solutions can support you through all phases of a crisis.

Medical emergencies at work are an often underestimated risk. The insidious thing about it is, that critical situations like these can occur at anytime without a warning. Needless to say, time is of essence here – that‘s why it is all the more important to make sure that fast, efficient help can be provided.
Your organisation can provide immediate assistance when an employee is in harm’s way. Lone workers can be provided with alert infrastructure such as a panic button, silent alarm or a workplace safety app so they can let a centralised response team know that something is wrong. When employees are abroad, an international emergency number, manned 24/7, can support them whenever they need it – from medical assistance to contacting the local embassy. When an alarm is triggered or number is called, the incident can be linked to emergency notification features, meaning others can be informed and kept up to date with the situation.
Read How You Can Safeguard Your Lone Workers
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Communicate rapidly and precisely in the event of disruptions and crises
FACT24 ENS+ is our Software-as-a-Service-solution for secure and comprehensive Alerting and Emergency Notification. It supports crisis managers, particularly in the acute phase of a critical event. Get to know FACT24 ENS+ in depth and schedule a demo:

Build a Robust Employee Safety Process
Make employee safety a part of your day-to-day workplace health and safety procedures. Use a specialised safety management and alerting software to assess risks, gather workplace safety information, incident reporting and incident management can be centralised and easily accessible to all – so compliance is always on everybody’s mind. And by integrating global crisis monitoring services such as A3M, you can provide employees, HR personnel and security managers with reliable information about high-risk incidents, security threats as well as government travel advisories.

Integrating your incident response software with EHS management software means alerts and messaging can be automated. Using travel plan logs or GPS data, you can send vital, relevant information to your staff when they need wherever they are in the world. For instance, when a hurricane warning is issued for the town in which your sales representative has appointment, they are automatically warned by text or via a safety app.
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Silent alarms
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Safeguard Your Employees with Smart Solutions
F24 offers a wide range of smart emergency notification services for rapid, location-based altering of individuals and groups. With these enterprise-level SaaS solutions, your safety and security teams can track status reports automatically, coordinating tasks digitally and transparently across the globe. This not only makes compliance to the legal requirements regarding a company’s duty of care easier, but also gives employees the reassurance that they are never alone in an emergency.
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Make Workplace Health and Safety Your Priority
Businesses today are increasingly focusing on employee welfare and safety management and, in an ever more cutthroat employment market, putting such welfare policies in place differentiates them from the competition. To ensure that employees feel both safe and valued, integrating a occupational health and safety regime with employee notification and alerting software ensures employees have the most up to date information at their fingertips. And should something happen, employees can quickly report an incident over the phone, via panic buttons or via an app and know the response will be immediate.
Are Employee Safety Apps Useful?
Employee safety apps deliver an extra layer of safeguarding for employees. Lone workers or those in business trips can check in as and when agreed to ensure head office is aware of their status. In an emergency, notifications can be sent immediately and securely. As many apps rely on independent, cloud-based infrastructure, they are always available and provide a secure, independent communication channel to the response centre. To maintain employee privacy, users can decide when their location is visible.