F24 Subsidiary

F24 France SAS

F24 in France

F24 France SAS was founded in July 2021 out of the merger of F24 France SARL and Gedicom SAS. The resulting diversity of the product portfolio has strongly underscored the company’s position as a leading provider of alerting, crisis management and public emergency warnings throughout France and Europe ever since. Although the F24 administrative headquarters is in Saint Maur des Fossés, F24 France also has offices in Paris and La Rochelle.

F24 France is managed by Arnaud Sraka and Renaud Vanderhagen. Arnaud Sraka, who joined the company in 2019, brings valuable experience to F24 thanks to his background in sales, and was appointed Managing Director in 2024. Renaud Vanderhagen is responsible for all technical issues and already has many years of experience in business continuity and especially in IT Operations & Project Management.

The services in the F24 portfolio are of a critical nature so the solutions always meet the highest level of security requirements as well as being fully GDPR compliant. F24 France SAS is ISO/IEC 27001:2013 and ISO 22301:2019 certified. The existing certification according to the international ISO 9001 standard for Gedicom SAS will remain in effect for their current areas of validity until recertification takes place.

Arnaud Sraka, Managing Director Sales
Renaud Vanderhagen, Vice President ENS/CM

Contact Information:

F24 France SAS
17 bis, Rue du Chemin Vert
94100 Saint-Maur-des-Fossés

Phone: +33 1 45 93 90 93
Fax: +33 1 45 76 01 07
E-mail: sales_fr@f24.com

Do you have any questions? Get in contact with us.

Other locations of F24 France SAS:




Office La Rochelle

16 bis Rue de la Désirée,

17000 La Rochelle | France

T +33 1 45 93 90 93

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