Media Management & Communications
When a crisis unfolds, most media and communications team members have access to very little information or a structured way to respond to incoming enquiries. The pressure exerted by external media agencies and the press in general can be overwhelming. They expect regular updates and will stop at nothing to access the latest information from the organisation affected.

Be Prepared to Handle Media in Any Crisis Scenario
Each department of the organisation should conduct a risk analysis to determine which incidents could harm the business most and importantly, the reputational impact of one being handled poorly. Communications strategies form an integral part of a crisis management plan and the media team’s role in plans, checklists and procedures should reflect this.
In most cases, the media will receive the initial information relating to the incident as fast as you do. When it comes down to the finer detail, this may be available to the organisation sooner from people on the ground, staff and members of the emergency services. It is important that this is combined with tried and tested procedures to ensure a consistent, appropriate media response.
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Things to Consider Include:
- Has the media team been included in your crisis management planning?
- How to you record incoming media and other stakeholder enquiries?
- How do media team members respond to these?
- Is there an official ‘company line’ on the issue? Is this visible to staff?
- Are pre-approved holding statements part of your crisis management plan?
- Which journalists/media outlets should receive press releases and other items?
- Are you monitoring social media channels?

Checklist for Communication during a Crisis
This checklist was created by F24 to serve as a basic checklist for communication during crisis situations. Therefore it is kept generic to focus on the most important aspects and needs to be extended in special cases.
How can We Immediately Inform the Media?
F24 Solutions include comprehensive tools that bring structure and a systematic approach to crisis communication. These range from templates and databases for standardised statements to detailed contact management for media inquiries, including extensive collaboration tools for coordinating statements and tasks, to mass mailing of press releases and monitoring of the news situation on Twitter.
Proactive Crisis Management: From Prevention to Lessons Learned
FACT24 CIM is our Software-as-a-Service-solution for comprehensive, digital crisis management – including digital task management, management report preparation and management of external stakeholders. Get to know FACT24 CIM in depth and schedule a demo:

F24 Whitepaper:
Reputation Management: Why, When, How?
Learn more about the basics and key components to consider when managing your reputation from two experts – Dr. Sabine Schnabel, founder and CEO of BSH advisors and Dr. Stephanie Heinecke, Professor of Communication Science and Dean of Studies at Fresenius University of Applied Sciences.
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Clear, responsive emergency communications will allow your business to continue to provide vital services and support during an incident, and beyond.
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